Voyage definition is - an act or instance of traveling : journey. Au dessus des capitales Des idées fatales Regarde l'océan a passage through air or space, as a flight in an airplane or space vehicle. In West Germany, the song topped the chart, and has the longest chart trajectory of 1987 in the top 20. Space science is defined here in a broad sense, including the observation of the Universe, planetary science, solar science, study of the space environment, and scientific experiments that can be carried out from a spacecraft. Voyage Voyage. Despite being sung entirely in French, the song circumvented the language barrier on the music charts and became a huge international success between 1986 and 1988, reaching the top position in more than 10 countries across Europe. Titre emblématique des années 1980, Voyage, Voyage est devenu rapidement un très grand succès en France, puis en Europe et dans le monde. "Voyage, voyage" (French pronunciation: [vwa.jaʒ vwa.jaʒ]) is a song by French singer Desireless, released as the first single from her debut studio album, François (1989). Voyage : A Novel of 1896, Sterling Hayden; Voyage, a 1996 science fiction novel by Stephen Baxter; The Voyage, Murray Bail "The Voyage" (short story), a 1921 story by Katherine Mansfield "Voyage", a poem by Patti Smith from her 1996 book The Coral Sea; Voyage. L'acteur américain David Caruso y fait une apparition. It was the first single from her album François and became a smash hit in many countries in Europe. radyo voyage "dÜnyanin mÜzİĞİne yolculuk" Ocak 2009'da yayın hayatına başlayan Radyo Voyage Türkiye'nin ilk New Age, Ambient, Soundtrack ve World müzik radyosudur. Voyage is delivering on the promise of self-driving cars. Tube international, ce titre est encore très souvent présent sur les compilations des succès des années 1980. Design e Estilo com Tecnologia e Conectividade em um carro. Studies on Travel & Tourism, a German scholarly journal; Voyages, a 1926 poem by Hart Crane [3], Credits adapted from the liner notes of the 7-inch single of "Voyage, voyage". Voyage voyage Sur l´eau sacrée d´un fleuve indien (voyage voyage) Voyage (voyage) Et jamais ne reviens Sur le Gange ou l´Amazone Chez les blacks chez les sikhs chez les jaunes Voyage voyage Dans tout le royaume Sur les dunes du Sahara Des îles îles Fidji au Fujiyama Voyage voyage Ne t'arrête pas Au d´ssus des barbelés Sauf indication contraire ou complémentaire, les informations mentionnées dans cette section proviennent du générique de fin de l'œuvre audiovisuelle présentée ici. Voyage, voyage ist ein Lied, das von Dominique Albert Dubois und Jean-Michel Rivat geschrieben wurde und von der französischen Sängerin Desireless aufgenommen wurde. Voyage, voyage Plus loin que la nuit et le jour (voyage voyage) Voyage (voyage) Dans l'espace inouï de l'amour Voyage, voyage Sur l'eau sacrée d'un fleuve indien (voyage voyage) Voyage (voyage) Et jamais ne revient. Celebrating Mooncake Festival! Découvrez les destinations voyage et vacances soleil populaires: Cuba, New-York (États-Unis), France, Mexique, Caraïbes, le Québec (Canada) et ses régions, etc. The song missed the top spot in France, peaking at number two for four weeks, behind Elsa Lunghini's "T'en va pas". Voyage (voyage) Dans l'espace inouï de l'amour Voyage, voyage Sur l'eau sacrée d'un fleuve indien (voyage, voyage) Voyage (voyage) Et jamais ne reviens Sur le Gange ou l'Amazone Chez les blacks, chez les sikhs, chez les jaunes Voyage, voyage Dans tout le royaume Sur les dunes du Sahara Des îles Fidji au Fujiyama Voyage, voyage Ne t'arrête pas "Voyage Voyage" is a 1986 song written by Jean-Michel Rivat and recorded by the French singer Desireless. Il est certifié disque d'or en France en 1987 pour plus de 500 000 exemplaires vendus[4]. Au dessus des vieux volcans Glisse des ailes sous les tapis du vent Voyage, voyage Eternellement De nuages en marécages De vent d'Espagne en pluie d'équateur Voyage, voyage Vole dans les hauteurs Au dessus des capitales Des idées fatales Regarde l'océan. Silver Voyage Club motorcade arrangement. This version peaked at number three on Billboard's Hot Latin Songs chart. Jean-Michel Rivat propose alors le titre à Desireless, qui à l'époque était chanteuse du groupe Air 89 sous son vrai prénom de Claudie. [[GfK Entertainment Charts] |url=, List of number-one hits of 1987 (Germany), List of number-one singles of 1987 (Spain), – Desireless – Voyage voyage", – Desireless – Voyage voyage", – Desireless – Voyage voyage", The Irish Charts – Search Results – Voyage voyage", – Desireless – Voyage voyage", – Desireless – Voyage voyage", – Desireless – Voyage voyage", – Desireless – Voyage voyage", – Desireless – Voyage voyage", "European Charts of the Year 1987 > Singles",,, "Gold-/Platin-Datenbank (Desireless; 'Voyage voyage')", "La cantante belga Kate Ryan ofrecerá el concierto estrella de San Agustín", – Kate Ryan – Voyage voyage", – Kate Ryan – Voyage voyage", – Kate Ryan – Voyage voyage", – Kate Ryan – Voyage voyage", – Kate Ryan – Voyage voyage", "Magneto Chart History (Hot Latin Songs)",,_voyage&oldid=990067457, Pages using infobox song with unknown parameters, Certification Table Entry usages for France, Pages using certification Table Entry with sales figures, Certification Table Entry usages for Germany, Pages using certification Table Entry with shipments figures, Certification Table Entry usages for unsupported region, Certification Table Entry usages for Spain, Pages using certification Table Entry with sales footnote, Pages using certification Table Entry with shipments footnote, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, "Voyage voyage" (Euro Remix Remix) – 6:12, Jean-Michel Rivat – synthesiser, programming, production, This page was last edited on 22 November 2020, at 16:45. La chanson est dédiée à Gopala I. Whether residents face mobility restrictions or just want to take a ride, Voyage takes pride in getting all our passengers to their destination safely, efficiently, and affordably. After being remixed by Pete Hammond and Pete Waterman of PWL, the song was re-released in the United Kingdom in the spring of 1988, and climbed to number five in June of that year. Cette chanson écrite par Jean-Michel Rivat et Dominique Dubois était à l'origine destinée à Michel Delpech[2] (les compositeurs Jean-Michel Rivat et Frank Thomas ont écrit également de nombreuses chansons pour Michel Delpech dans les années 1970). Slightly retitled "Voyage Voyage", her version as the album's lead single in July 2007, featuring "We All Belong" on its B-side, which is the anthem of the event EuroGames 2007 that took place in Antwerp, Belgium, in 2007. a course of travel or passage, especially a long journey by water to a distant place. Les paroles de la chanson, à double sens, parlent des voyages en termes de kilomètres, mais aussi des voyages initiatiques, intérieurs. The song's success continued in Ireland, where it reached number four twice, the original version in November 1987 followed by the PWL remix in June 1988. Mikel Herzog was credited with the translation. Discover releases, reviews, credits, songs, and more about Voyage - Voyage at Discogs. Destaque pela sua performance economia e amplo espaço de porta-malas. The ideal destination for a holiday dazzled with entertainment, Voyage Türkbükü is located right by Bodrum's beautiful Hebil bay and offers guests a holiday of excitement! Length. Voyage, Voyage est une chanson de la chanteuse Desireless et sortie en 1986 en tant que premier single de son premier album François. [4], *sales figures based on certification alone^shipments figures based on certification alone. "Voyage Voyage" é uma canção de 1986 escrita por Jean-Michel Rivat, gravada pela cantora francesa Desireless e regravada pela cantora belga Kate Ryan em 2007 e também por Sarah Brightman.Foi o primeiro single do seu álbum, François e se tornou um grande sucesso em muitos países da Europa Toute l’actualité sur le sujet Voyage. 'Voyage Voyage', on the other hand, is a rewarded lonesome massive hit and just as equally a curse - and it's not meant just for Desireless. «Voyage, Voyage» es una canción grabada en 1986 por la cantante francesa Desireless.Fue el primer sencillo de su álbum François y se convirtió en un éxito en muchos países de Europa.En 2007, la cantante belga Kate Ryan realizó una versión de la canción. Volkswagen Voyage. Experience the luxury to your destinations! How to use voyage in a sentence. 3:08. Voyage d'enfer à Hawaï : je vous raconte tout! Conseils et formalités pour préparer le voyage de votre animal de compagnie avec l'aide de votre vétérinaire Advices and formalities to prepare your pet's trip with the help of your veterinarian. Le pseudonyme même de la chanteuse « Desireless », trouvé par Jean-Michel Rivat, signifie en anglais « sans désir », que la chanteuse explique comme étant, en ce qui la concerne, une façon d'observer le monde avec détachement. Serve up the hungry customers in the restaurant, and … Turn your holiday into cherished moments with Voyage Türkbükü's Blue Flag beach, exclusive services and beautiful nature. If you say "YES", the FREE Cooking Voyage - Crazy Chef's Restaurant Dash Game is the best choice of time-management game & food games madness. Le clip vidéo, réalisé par Bettina Rheims, a été présenté en décembre 1986. Mais Michel Delpech, pourtant en pleine traversée du désert, la refuse[3]. Sauf indication contraire ou complémentaire, les informations mentionnées dans cette section peuvent être confirmées par la base de données IMDb. Es erschien im Dezember 1986 als Single aus ihrem Album François und wurde zum internationalen Nummer-eins-Hit in über zehn Ländern, darunter Deutschland,[1] Österreich, Belgien, Dänemark, Griechenland, Norwegen und Spanien. InfoDisc : Historique des Hit-Parades & des Succès Musicaux (Les Tubes du Top 50) en France depuis 1900, – Desireless – Voyage Voyage, – Desireless – Voyage Voyage, – Desireless – Voyage Voyage, Nederlandse Top 40 – Desireless search results, – Desireless – Voyage Voyage, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, – Desireless – Voyage Voyage, – Desireless – Voyage Voyage,,_Voyage&oldid=176545139, Single certifié double platine en Espagne, Portail:Époque contemporaine/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Prise de son : Gilbert Courtois, Antoine Cambourakis (studio d'Aguesseau), 2015 : Nutri Ventures - Le Courant des 7 Royaumes - bande sonore. It was written by Jean-Michel Rivat and Dominique Dubois, and produced by the former. In 2007, Belgian singer Kate Ryan also released a version of the song. Since "Voyage, voyage" is sung exclusively in French, its chart success came as a surprise as it managed the rare feat of becoming a success in several nations usually closed to Francophone songs and artists, such as the United Kingdom and Ireland. We provide specialist support for over 3,500 people with learning disabilities and complex needs.Whether you are looking for support in your own home, supported living accommodation, a registered care home or out in the community, our specialist teams are here to help you.. Our commitment to quality is demonstrated by our sector-leading quality ratings. Voyage Türkbükü, dünyanın en prestijli online platformlarından Tripadvisor’ın misafir yorumlarıyla belirlenen “Travelers’ Choice … It was Ryan's first single released under ARS Entertainment, following her departure from EMI Belgium. 30 limited Mo. Shop Vinyl and CDs and complete your Voyage collection. Scientists working in ESA Member States and with an interest in any topic in space science and in the relevant technologies are welcome to apply for membership of the Topical Teams. Literature. Instagram post 18012547774293944. The Topical Teams will be appointed by the Director of Science after the evaluation and recommendations o… ARASHI's Diary -Voyage- Japanese TV Shows Twenty years after their debut, join the beloved members of Arashi on a new journey as they showcase their lives, talents and gifts to the world. Home to Spatial Mic by Voyage Audio — 2nd Order Ambisonics VR microphone capable of single wire digital connectivity to a computer or mobile device. "Voyage, voyage" was also covered by the Mexican band Magneto in 1991, with a version in Spanish titled "Vuela Vuela" (English: Fly, fly). Consultez l’ensemble des articles, reportages, directs, photos et vidéos de la rubrique Voyage publiés le samedi 19 décembre 2020. Download & Play the best free crazy cooking game for you now! Voyage, Voyage est une chanson de la chanteuse Desireless et sortie en 1986 en tant que premier single de son premier album François. Despite being sung entirely in French, the song circumvented the language barrier on the music charts and became a huge international success between 1986 and 1988, reaching the top position in more than 10 countries across Europe. Because we care Our fleet has received SHA from. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 13 novembre 2020 à 12:15. Many other French artists produced superb pop music (albums and singles alike), but 'Voyage Voyage' is one such moment impossible to compete with. It was written by Jean-Michel Rivat and Dominique Dubois, and produced by the former. Voyage Türkbükü, Travelers’ Choice 2020” Ödülü. The song initially reached number 53 on the UK Singles Chart in November 1987. On adore écouter les mille et une péripéties de voyage de Noémie! [45], {{cite web|title= Jahrescharts – 1987 |publisher= a journey or expedition from one place to another … In weiteren Ländern erreichte es Chartplatzierungen unter den Top Ten, so Platz 2 in Frankreich. Voyage has built the technology and services to bring autonomous transportation to those who need it most, beginning in retirement communities.