This is a slang phrase that is pretty casual, so you can use this with your friends, but should probably avoid it at work. I’m glad that you enjoyed the translation! In the music video he is pretending to be drunk in public and this entire song is basically the drunken rant of a man who just got dumped. Es lo mas!!! !Big Merci from Ukraine! I love the song and the beats très bien (please excusé moi Française) im new at this and i know i probably made a mistake. Last night, the Belgian fans of Coldplay were more than delighted. In order to please the Belgian crowd, he staged a solo version of the hit in the King Boudewijn Stadium. Très beau travail de traduction et d’explication. “est chiante” means “to be bitchy” or “to be mean.” “Chiante” = bitchy, and is a swear word.“tromper” in this context means “to cheat on” but “tromper” can mean a number of things, including “to deceive,” “to delude,” “to cheat,” “to fool,” etc. J’étudie le français et j’aime beaucoup Stromae. Stromae came to wide public attention in 2009 with his song “Alors on danse” (from the album Cheese), which became a number one in several European countries. Join Napster and access full-length songs on your computer, mobile or home audio system. He randomly assumes that this guy has a side-chick and offers to tell his wife about her, but we’re to understand that he’s just making things up and drunk ranting at strangers because he’s sad about getting dumped. The concert was a sell-out with a crowd of 50,000 on a hot summer night in Brussels. French-Speaking Artists, Albums, and Track Lists, Alors On Danse – Stromae / French Lyrics and English Translation, Papaoutai – Stromae / French Lyrics and English Translation, Tous les Mêmes Lyrics & Translation / Stromae, Dernière Danse Lyrics & Translation – Indila, Stromae – Formidable Lyrics and English Translation, Tu étais formidable, j'étais fort minable, I don't want to pick you up, I promise you, I swear. Thanks for including the slang terms and meanings! hi everybody i hope you are all doing really well wherever you’re reading this in the world. I’m trying to make it easy on him – and you finding your work has been like tapping into the motherlode. J'peux pas faire d'enfant et bon c'est pas - eh reviens ! In some contexts though it can also mean whore, so if someone calls you a “putain” feel free to slap them! Proslavil se hlavně hitem „Alors on danse“ a vyznamenal se jak v hip-hopu, tak i v elektronické hudbě.Známé jsou také jeho hity „Papaoutai“ nebo „Tous Les Mêmes“. Son : Roland Voglaire… Let me know in the comments below. Stay tuned! Formidable, formidable Tu étais formidable, j'étais fort minable, nous étions formidable ... I.e. Here are the Formidable lyrics and translation, with a breakdown of the vocabulary in the song, and an analysis of the song and music video. i don’t know french, so when i translate them, it might come out a bit too literal, so sometimes words are a bit confusing. Daina užėmė pirmą vietą daugumoje Europos šalių hitų topuose ir toje pozicijoje išsilaikė keletą savaičių. He’s basically lecturing this guy, who is seemingly married, about how his marriage is worthless and will likely fall apart in a few years. In the second verse, Stromae is still drunk and talking to strangers, but this time he’s talking to a guy. Paul Van Haver (* 12. března 1985 Brusel), známý jako Stromae, je zpěvák-rapper a textař belgicko-rwandského původu. Lead singer Chris Martin covered one of his favourite songs and this turned out to be a hit by the Belgian singer Stromae, "Formidable". Enter your email address to be the first to know when new translations are posted. And what's up with all you people, looking at me like I'm a monkey. Tell your son good luck on the French AP exam! Please try again. Did you like the video? Best of luck to you in your studies. Why are you blushing? 121w Reply. Leave a comment below and let me know if you like this Stromae song or if you prefer his more upbeat material (like Papaoutai or Alors On Danse? Here are the Formidable lyrics and translation, with a breakdown of the vocabulary in the song, and an analysis of the song and music video. The video from Stromae includes English translation subtitles. French Lyrics Translations WordPress Theme by Darby. Coldplay gave the first of two concerts in a packed King Boudewijn Stadium last night. Putain literally translates as “whore” or “prostitute” but in French it’s the equivalent of fuck in English. Get Stromae setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Stromae fans for free on! "Formidable" (lit. See more ideas about french songs, songs, music videos. I was afraid that the same will happen with the French artists (I am trying to learn French intermittently) but your way of approaching this song, as a living contemporary creature made me to relate and appreciate what it is versus what was rather shamanic obsession with this powerful music. Please continue in making our lives much simpler and joyous. Formidable, formidable Tu étais formidable, j'étais fort minable Nous étions formidables Formidable.. Something has gone wrong. Et qu'est-ce que vous avez tous, à me regarder comme un singe, vous ? Réalisé par Jerome Guiot Image de Quentin Devillers Cadreurs : Bertrand Monette Lucien KellerGabriel Bertrand, Jean Parc Panis. Formidable by Stromae was the second single off Racine Carrée. My son, my wife and I also have our toes in the francophone world. Thank you! 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Thanks for the explanation about the slang I’m learning French on my own it helps a lot. Definitely check out our other translations! The song was released as a digital download in Belgium on 4 June 2013 as the second single from his second studio album Racine carrée (2013). Darby, Belgian artist Stromae has been revealed as one of the artists to be featured on the new album by the British band Coldplay. I remember that when I learned English and started to understand lyrics in Beatles I was devastated by the shallowness of their beautiful early songs, even cried with disappointment. marriage, children, sobriety, fidelity, wealth, etc. Pourquoi t'es tout rouge ? And as a long-time French learner I find translating songs to be immensely valuable. Paul van Loo & Ivo Rosbeek 't Is nog noets zoe donker gewees Formidable by Stromae was the second single off Racine Carrée. Stromae, Soundtrack: Çakallarla Dans. Listen to albums and tracks from Stromae. This was great. Thank you so much Irena! Si Maman est chiante, c’est qu’elle a peur d’être mamieSi Papa trompe Maman, c’est parce que Maman est vieillit, tiens. First Played in Concert September 9, 2013 by Stromae at C à vous, Paris, France Most Recently Played February 7, 2020 by Martha Da'Ro at We Are Open 2020 Report a problem: Wrong album assigned An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Biographie STROMAE Paul Van Haver, 30 ans, est né le 12 Mars 1985, le fils de père rwandais et de mère belge. The video from Stromae includes English translation subtitles. Come back here kid! It was his most successful single since "Alors on Danse" in 2009. Belgian singer Stromae (né Paul Van Haver) belongs to that rare class of European mega pop star (and we mean mega—his music videos on YouTube have been played more than half a … Hey look at you, checking yourself out, you think you're hot stuff, Parce que tu t'es marié, mais c'est qu'un anneau, Because you're married, but it's just a ring, Mec, tu t'emballe pas, elle va t'larguer comme elles le font chaque fois, Dude, don't get carried away, she's going to dump you like they always do. The translation is just below. He’s just been dumped the day before and he’s drunk and feeling sorry for himself. Stromae, Category: Artist, Albums: Racine Carrée (Standard US Version), Cheese, Singles: Alors On Danse (DubDogz Remix), Défiler (Bande originale de la capsule No. Videoklip, preklad a text piesne Formidable od Stromae. we are very happy to tell you that @shakira will be joining the line up for @glblctzn hamburg on july 6 with a special set with shakira in mind, here are the tracks i am listening to all the time at the moment Join Napster and access full-length songs on your phone, computer or home audio device. Stromae released Racine Carrée, his second album, the one that would raise him to the rank of super star, led by the singles “Papaoutai” and “Formidable” to name a few. Stromae collaborated with director Henry Scholfield to produce the music video for English artist Dua Lipa's single 'IDGAF' released on 12 January 2018. Especially when listening to Stromae songs. Hi Brian – thanks so much for your lovely comment! Stromae had his breakthrough in 2009 with the song "Alors On Danse", which became a number-one hit in over ten European countries. Alright – did you like this song? I can't have a baby and well it's not - hey come back! Paul Van Haver, geriau žinomas sceniniu vardu Stromae (stʁɔmaj) (g. 1985 m. kovo 12 d.) – belgų dainininkas–dainų autorius. One concert goer had spotted Stromae and managed to film the happy moment with a smartphone, see below. To the surprise, the British group Coldplay took over last night the incredible song of Stromae “Formidable” during a concert in Belgium! Please feel free to explore the site, as I have many more in-depth translations. 173w. . Learn how your comment data is processed. One of the concert-goers caught Stromae on video. The song entered at the number 1 spot the week of its release in Belgium and reached number 1 in France. Coldplay is staging a second concert tonight; police are asking concert-goers to come early, just like yesterday. Your email address will not be published. Thank you!Your translation and how you explain the meaning are the best! I just discovered Stromae and was taken away with his talent. “Formidable” was released as the follow-up single in June 2013. He loves Stomae, Julien Dorre, … well, French music in general. If you like Stromae you can check out the other Stromae songs that I’ve translated. J'suis poli, courtois, et un peu fort bourré, I'm polite, respectful, and definitely shit-faced, Et pour les mecs comme moi, vous avez autre chose à faire hein. Videoklip, překlad a text písně Formidable od Stromae. In 2013, his second album Racine carrée was a commercial success, selling 2 million copies in France alone and nearly 600,000 units elsewhere. , Thanks. , bourée: shit-faced, very drunkThis is also a common slang term and it’s considered pretty rude, like saying “shit-faced” in English. Merci! Shak #Repost @coldplay ... with shakira in mind, here are the tracks i am listening to all the time at the moment london grammar- big picture stromae- formidable lana del rey- love and shakira- me enamore see you soon i hope love cm. Stromae enjoyed the cover: this could be seen live in the stadium itself, since he was among the crowd. Chris Martin says "Formidable", Stromae's monster hit from 2013, is one of his favourite songs. thanks , Thank you! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Thank you so much for putting your time into these pieces. I will absolutely consider translating another Stromae song. These translations are a lot of work, but I’m also a person who is always obsessed with understanding the lyrics. You’re very welcome Clarissa! Stromae was born to a Rwandan father, Pierre Rutare, and a Belgian mother, Miranda Marie Van Haver. The vocabulary in this verse is pretty basic, but here are a few words that are good to know: tu t’emballe pas – this is a shortened version of “tu ne t’emballe pas” which means “don’t get too excited” or “don’t get carried away.”s’emballer = to get carried away OR to race. Thank you so much for doing this. The chorus plays on the synonym “formidable” which means wonderful, and “fort minable” which means “very pathetic.” Stromae says that his ex-partner was “wonderful” and his relationship was “wonderful” but he was (and is) “pathetic.”. There is some more swearing/slang in this verse. Merci pour ce traduction. I translate songs too (Japanese to English that must ride on the same melody) so I am familiar with the decisions you have to make before you press the enter key. And finally Stromae ends the song by yelling at a crowd of people and calling the monkeys (specifically “macaques” a breed of monkey). You don't want to talk to a guy like me huh? Really, really good work here – a labor of love, and exceedingly well done. Anyhow, I’ve enjoyed your depiction of the song and the translation is very helpful in many ways. These are Stromae’s 10 best songs. He is originally from Laeken, in Brussels. Existential angst is at the core of much of Stromae's work: alors on danse, tous les memes, and carmen all touch on such ideas. The standard, polite way of saying “drunk” is to use the word “ivre.”, mecs: guysmec: guyThe word “mec” is a common slang term that means “guy.” It’s casual but not rude, and can pretty much be used in any situation where it would appropriate to use the English word “guy.” So fine to use with your friends, but you probably don’t want to refer to your boss as “un mec.”. cecy_albarracin. Thanks for the translation and explanations. These translations are definitely a labour of love and they take ages, so it’s great to hear that people enjoy them! If you ever get the urge, I bet other people besides us would love to see you wrap your sensibilities around a Tete piece. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Si tu veux je lui dis, comme ça c'est réglé, If you want I'll tell your her (your wife), then it's sorted, Attends trois ans, sept ans, et là vous verrez, Wait three years, seven years, then you'll see, Tu sais dans la vie y'a ni méchant ni gentil, You know in life there's no bad guys or good guys, Si Maman est chiante, c'est qu'elle a peur d'être mamie, If Mommy is bitchy, it's because she's afraid of being a granny, Si Papa trompe Maman, c'est parce que Maman est vieillit, tiens, If Daddy is cheating on Mommy, it's because Mommy is getting old, hold on. Thank you very much! Your email address will not be published. I enjoyed “the lesson.”. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2014 Gold Vinyl release of Formidable on Discogs. Išgarsėjo su daina „Alors on danse“. Et puis l'autre fille, tu lui en as parlé? Stijn Van de Voorde of Studio Brussels says the atmosphere was not dampened by the recent failed terrorist attack in the Central Station. The same security measures will be applied. It features Stromae stumbling around and pretending to be drunk. Stromae also collaborated with French rapper Orelsan on a song named "La Pluie". Quand il avait onze ans, il est devenu intéressé dans la musique . Label: Island France - 37923953 • Format: Vinyl 7 Stromae - Formidable (2014, Gold, Vinyl) | Discogs One of the concert-goers caught Stromae on video. Par Il a perdu son père à neuf ans et a grandi avec ses trois soeurs en Belgique par sa mère. He then gets side-tracked and says, “give me a baby monkey, it will be… wonderful!”. Paul Van Haver (born 12 March 1985, Brussels), better known by his stage name Stromae, is a Belgian musician, singer, rapper and songwriter. Let’s look at the vocabulary: draguer: to hit on someone, to pick someone up. Amazing! I am new to the French language and this really helped , You’re very welcome, I’m glad that it helped! This song uses some slang words and phrases, so let’s look at them. As if the first two verses weren’t bad enough, in this verse the drunk Stromae (or the character he’s portraying) starts ranting at a kid. Ce traduction m’aide beaucoup, en particulier l’argot. It features Stromae stumbling around and pretending to be drunk. Belgian-Rwandan singer, rapper and songwriter, born 12 March 1985 in Brussels, Belgium. Thanks for commenting Omar. This is definitely a swear! Ben reviens gamin ! In the second verse, when he’s talking to the guy, I think he is referring to the guy as his secret lover… and is threatening to yell his wife about their affair. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. He will soon be taking the U.S.’ AP French test, though he is only 14. Hats off to you. Yra pasižymėjęs hiphopo ir elektroninės muzikos žanruose. Great to be able to see such a wonderful translation when one is trying to learn and improve its French. The Stromae songs are all good for slang, and Dernière Danse by Indila (also translated on this site) are also good for intermediate learners interested in picking up a bit of slang. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Formidable, formidable Tu étais formidable, j'étais fort minable Nous étions formidables Formidab..