The papal legate remained unmoved, but Verraccio did suggest an alternative. In mid-January 1199, the two kings met for a final meeting, Richard standing on the deck of a boat, Philip standing on the banks of the Seine River. On 15 June 1722, Louis XV and the court left the Tuileries Palace for the Palace of Versailles where the young king wanted to reside. N, bâtarde d'Orléans (c. 1688 – ), married Henri de Charency, By Florence Pellegrin, dite la Florence, a dancer at the. En tant que roi d'Espagne, il est à la tête des possessions espagnoles extra-européennes, principalement en Amérique, qui lui assurent des ressources considérables. Advising the English king of his precarious predicament, he persuaded John to abandon his opposition to papal investiture and agreed to accept the papal legate's decision in any ecclesiastical disputes as final. Born at his father's palace at Saint-Cloud, he was known from birth under the title of Duke of Chartres. [19] Though the truce was for two years, Philip found grounds for resuming hostilities in the summer of 1188. Philip was the first Bourbon king of Spain, the country's present ruling house. [...] I have made what I believed to be the wisest and fairest arrangements for the well-being of the realm, but, since one cannot anticipate everything, if there is something to change or to reform, you will do whatever you see fit...[19], Louis XIV died at Versailles on 1 September 1715, and was succeeded by his five-year-old great-grandson, Louis XV. Philip, as Henry's liege lord, objected, stating that he should be the rightful guardian until the birth of the child. [23] The French and English armies were reunited in Messina, where they wintered together. A program of how best to educate a prince was drawn up exclusively for him by Guillaume Dubois, his preceptor. [2] He checked the power of the nobles and helped the towns free themselves from seigneurial authority, granting privileges and liberties to the emergent bourgeoisie. In riposte John crossed over into Normandy. Philippe III [1], dit « le Hardi », né le 1 er mai 1245 à Poissy et mort le 5 octobre 1285 à Perpignan, est roi de France de 1270 à 1285 ; il est le dixième souverain de la dynastie dite des Capétiens directs.. Il était le second fils du roi de France Louis IX, dit « Saint Louis », et de son épouse Marguerite de Provence [1], At his birth, he was titled Duke of Chartres and was formally addressed as Monseigneur le duc de Chartres. Philip transformed France from a small feudal state into the most prosperous and powerful country in Europe. The three armies did not coordinate their efforts effectively. Philip pushed the case further when King Béla III of Hungary asked for the widow's hand in marriage, and thus her dowry had to be returned, to which Henry finally agreed. Philip argued in vain that his plans had been drawn up with the consent of Rome, that his expedition was in support of papal authority that he only undertook on the understanding that he would gain a plenary indulgence; he had spent a fortune preparing for the expedition. The Cellamare conspiracy is the subject of one of Alexandre Dumas' novels, The Conspirators (Le Chevalier d'Harmental). Philippe III [1], dit « le Hardi », né le 1 er mai 1245 à Poissy et mort le 5 octobre 1285 à Perpignan, est roi de France de 1270 à 1285 ; il est le dixième souverain de la dynastie dite des Capétiens directs.. Il était le second fils du roi de France Louis IX, dit « Saint Louis », et de son épouse Marguerite de … The war slowly turned against Philip over the course of the next three years. He countenanced the risky operations of the banker John Law, whose bankruptcy led to the Mississippi bubble, a disastrous crisis for the public and private affairs of France. He fought with great distinction at the Battle of Steenkerque on 3 August 1692. Philip's eldest son, Louis, was born on 5 September 1187 and inherited the County of Artois in 1190, when Queen Isabella died. [21] Henry died two days later. In 1189, Henry's health was failing. A conspiracy was formed, under the inspiration of Cardinal Alberoni, the first minister of Spain. Not having heard anything directly from their sovereign, FitzRalph and the Norman barons rejected Philip's claim to Vexin. Il est sacré et associé à son père en 1129 mais meurt accidentellement deux ans et demi plus tard. The English barons were initially unenthusiastic about the expedition, which delayed his departure, so it was not until February 1214 that he disembarked at La Rochelle. Mme de Maintenon would have preferred Philip V [King of Spain] to be Regent and the duc du Maine to be Lieutenant Général and consequently in control. [12] Using his increased revenues, Philip was the first Capetian king to build a French navy actively. In France, the battle was instrumental in forming the strong central monarchy that would characterise its rule until the first French Revolution. The young couple, mismatched from the start, never grew to like each other, and soon the young Philippe gave his wife the nickname of Madame Lucifer. The couple were the parents of two dauphins of France, Louis, Duke of Brittany, who died in 1712, and Louis, Duke of Anjou, the future Louis XV. On le désigne comme Monsieur (et son épouse est Madame). (Roi de France : règne 1180-1223) Philippe Auguste est né à Paris en l’an de grâce 1165, le fils de Louis VII Le Jeune (roi de 1137 à 1180), et de sa troisième épouse Adèle de Champagne. [9] In spite of this, they had eight children (see below). Louis-Philippe II, le dernier roi de France, a été couronné le 24 février 1848. Cette question est tirée du jeu : 1165-1223 Marié le 1er juin 1196 … [10], While the royal demesne had increased under Philip I and Louis VI, it had diminished slightly under Louis VII. The decision to return was also fuelled by the realisation that with Richard campaigning in the Holy Land, English possessions in northern France would be open to attack. [50] The war against the Cathars did not end until 1244, when their last strongholds were finally captured. In times of conflict, he could immediately call up 250 knights, 250 horse sergeants, 100 mounted crossbowmen, 133 crossbowmen on foot, 2,000-foot sergeants, and 300 mercenaries. There were contemporary rumors of an incestuous relationship between the duke and his daughter, Marie Louise Elisabeth of Berry. [22] At first, the French and English crusaders travelled together, but the armies split at Lyon, after Richard decided to go by sea from Marseille, whereas Philip took the overland route through the Alps to Genoa. [15], In 1181, Philip began a war with Count Philip I of Flanders over the Vermandois, which King Philip claimed as his wife's dowry and the Count was unwilling to give up. In the same year Chartres also served at the Siege of Namur. Richard openly joined forces with Philip to drive Henry into submission. His death threatened to derail the Treaty of Gisors that Philip had orchestrated to isolate the powerful Blois-Champagne faction. Philip II launched an attack on Berry in the summer of 1187, but by June made a truce with Henry, which left Issoudun in Philip's hands and also granted him Fréteval in Vendômois. Philippe II de Bourgogne dit Philippe le Hardi[1] (1342 - 1404), est le fils du roi Jean II de France, dit Jean le Bon, et de Bonne de Luxembourg. In 1710, his eldest (and favourite) surviving daughter Louise Élisabeth d'Orléans married her first cousin Charles, Duke of Berry; he was a son of the Dauphin and thus outranked Philippe and his wife; this meant that Louise Élisabeth took precedence over her parents. The Angevin kings of England (the line of rulers to which Henry II belonged), were Philip's most powerful and dangerous vassals as Dukes of Normandy and Aquitaine and Counts of Anjou. He broke off his friendships with Henry's younger sons Richard and John as each acceded to the English throne. The scene of the Persian ambassador's entry into Paris, 7 February 1715, was described by François Pidou de Saint-Olon (1646–1720), a nobleman who was delegated the diplomatic position of liaison officer to the Persian delegation.[16]. As the grandson of King Louis XIII of France, Philippe was a petit-fils de France. Later he went to Spain and took part in the Battle of Almansa, a major step in the consolidation of Spain under the Bourbons (1707), where he achieved some important successes. He ordered the fleet to be burned to prevent it from falling into enemy hands.[32]. [34] The armies clashed at what became known as the Battle of Bouvines. [28] Fleeing back to Normandy, Philip avenged himself on the English by attacking the forces of John and the Earl of Arundel, seizing their baggage train. Philippe was thus entitled to the style of Monsieur le Prince. University of California Press. Named regent of France for Louis XV until Louis attained his majority on 15 February 1723, the period of his de facto rule was known as the Regency (1715–23). At Mantes on 9 July 1193, Philip came to terms with Richard's ministers, who agreed that Philip could keep his gains and would be given some extra territories if he ceased all further aggressive actions in Normandy, along with the condition that Philip would hand back the captured territory if Richard would pay homage. [16] Philip chased him, and the two armies confronted each other near Amiens. Philippe II, dit Sans Terre [Note 1], appelé communément Philippe II de Savoie voire Philippe de Bresse, né à Chambéry le 5 février 1438, mort à Chambéry le 7 novembre 1497, fut duc de Savoie et d'Aoste, comte de Genève et prince de Piémont de 1496 à 1497.Il était fils de Louis I er, duc de Savoie et prince de Piémont, et d'Anne de Lusignan. [42] Due to pressure from the pope and from Ingeborg's brother King Valdemar II of Denmark, Philip finally took Isambour back as his wife in 1201, but it would not be until 1213 that she would be recognized at court as queen. This victory would have a lasting impact on western European politics: the authority of the French king became unchallenged, while the English King John was forced by his barons to assent to Magna Carta and deal with a rebellion against him aided by Philip's son Louis, the First Barons' War. Bannière royale de France : Royaume de France [1180 - 1223] - Philippe II Auguste. [37], Philip returned to Paris triumphant, marching his captive prisoners behind him in a long procession, as his grateful subjects came out to greet the victorious king. Élisabeth Charlotte and Philippe would always remain close.[3]. He was next given a command in Italy (1706) and gained much credit for the Battle of Turin. One of his most effective tools was to befriend all of Henry's sons and use them to foment rebellion against their father. From the beginning of 1721, Philip V of Spain, and the Duke of Orléans had been negotiating the project of three Franco-Spanish marriages in order to cement tense relations between Spain and France. The two kings would hold conferences at the foot of an elm tree near Gisors, which was so positioned that it would overshadow each monarch's territory, but to no avail. Biographie. Le 13 septembre 1598, l'année même de la signature de la paix de Vervins, Philippe II, de plus en plus retiré du monde, meurt au monastère de l'Escurialqu'il a fondé. The Count of Flanders had denied Philip's right to declare war on England while King John was still excommunicated, and that his disobedience needed to be punished. [9] His mother and four uncles, all of whom exercised enormous influence over Louis, were extremely unhappy with his attainment of the throne, since Philip had taken the royal seal from his father. The son of Philippe I, duc d’Orléans, and Elizabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate, Philippe d’Orléans was known as the duc de Chartres during his father’s lifetime. Philip was eager to prove his loyalty to Rome and thus secure papal support for his planned invasion, announced at Soissons a reconciliation with his estranged wife Ingeborg of Denmark, which the popes had been promoting. His reign was characterized by a gigantic advance of the French monarchy. [54] Under his guidance, Paris became the first city of teachers the medieval world knew. What Philip had gained through victory in war, he sought to confirm by legal means. Philip eagerly accepted the advice, and quickly marched at the head of his troops into the territory of Flanders. [8] Madame de Montespan had not been invited to the wedding of her daughter. This was the state of affairs when Philip launched his campaign of 1198 with an attack on Vexin. [6] He was married on 28 April 1180 to Isabella of Hainault, the daughter of Count Baldwin V of Hainaut and Countess Margaret I of Flanders. His father was Louis XIV's younger brother Philippe I, Duke of Orléans, his mother was Elizabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate. [17] It was during this time that Philip II was nicknamed "Augustus" by the monk Rigord for augmenting French lands.[18]. After decades of conflicts with the House of Plantagenet, Philip succeeded in putting an end to the Angevin Empire by defeating a coalition of his rivals at the Battle of Bouvines in 1214. In 1208, Philip of Swabia, the successful candidate to assume the throne of the Holy Roman Empire, was assassinated. The Government of Philip Augustus: Foundations of French Royal Power in the Middle Ages. The barons fully supported his plan, and they all gathered their forces and prepared to join with Philip at the agreed rendezvous. During this time he opened up diplomatic channels with Russia which resulted in a state visit by Tsar Peter the Great. In the late 1690s Chartres studied the viol with Antoine Forqueray the elder. When Philippe was born, his uncle Louis XIV was at the height of his power. In the aftermath of the battle, Otto retreated to his castle of Harzburg and was soon overthrown as Holy Roman Emperor, to be replaced by Frederick II. Mohammed Reza Beg[15] was a high-ranking official to the Persian governor of the Yerevan province (Armenia). Philip had not reckoned with Isambour, however; she insisted that the marriage had been consummated, and that she was his wife and the rightful queen of France. King Philippe II AUGUSTE de France was born on AUG 21 1165 in Gonesse, Kingdom of France. The French king took the town and was besieging the castle when Richard stormed through French lines and made his way in to reinforce the garrison, while at the same time another army was approaching Philip's supply lines. Should Richard die without an heir, the territory would return to Philip, and if Philip died without an heir, those lands would be considered a part of Normandy.[26]. Bannière royale de France : Royaume de France [1223 - 1226] Louis VIII le-Lion. To keep the duplicitous John on his side, Philip entrusted him with the defence of the town of Évreux. His most famous mistress was arguably Marie-Thérèse de Parabère. This Battle of Fréteval turned into a general encounter in which Philip barely managed to avoid capture as his army was put to flight. The fruits of the victory, the submission of the south of France to the crown, were to be reaped by Philip's son Louis VIII and grandson Louis IX. Philippe VI de France, dit « Philippe de Valois » (né en 1293, mort le 22 août 1350) 1: à Nogent le Roi, fut le premier roi de France de la branche collatérale des Valois.. Biographie . Richard won over a key ally, Baldwin of Flanders, in 1197. Nonetheless, on 18 February 1692, the cousins were married.[7]. At the newlyweds' bedding ceremony later that evening, the exiled Queen of England had the honour of handing the new Duchess of Chartres her bed clothes. The next year, the duchess gave birth to another son, Philippe Charles d'Orléans. He was yielding, out of sheer fatigue, to his wife and confessor, probably with the reservation that his extraordinary action would be set aside after his death, like the will itself. Otherwise he would have been deliberately condemning his kingdom to perpetual strife, for the codicil appointed the duc du Maine commander of the civil and military Household, with Villeroy as his second-in-command. The upshot was that by autumn 1198, Richard had regained almost all that had been lost in 1193. The young Louis XV of France would marry the three-year-old Infanta Mariana Victoria who would thus become Queen of France; the Infante Luis would marry the fourth surviving daughter of Philippe, Louise Élisabeth d'Orléans; and the Infante Charles would be engaged to the pretty Philippine Élisabeth d'Orléans who was the fifth surviving daughter of Philippe. Philip, again acting as John's liege lord over his French lands, summoned him to appear before the Court of the Twelve Peers of France to answer for the murder of Arthur of Brittany. He would not participate in any campaign until restored to all ancient lands. Ferdinand refused to attend, still angry over the loss of the towns of Aire and Saint-Omer that had been captured by Philip's son Louis the Lion. By the end of 1204, most of Normandy and the Angevin lands, including much of Aquitaine, had fallen into Philip's hands. Philip II (21 August 1165 – 14 July 1223), byname Philip Augustus (French: Philippe Auguste), was King of France from 1180 to 1223. [36] The French did not pursue. Il … À la suite du mariage d'Henri I er avec Anne de Kiev — qui prétendait descendre de Philippe II de Macédoine —, le prénom « Philippe » fut donné à de nombreux princes de la dynastie capétienne en France, d'où le nom de « Philippe de France » : de rois des Francs ou de France : . [39] He then asked Pope Celestine III for an annulment on the grounds of non-consummation. [35] When Otto was carried off the field by his wounded and terrified horse, and the Count of Flanders was severely wounded and taken prisoner, the Flemish and Imperial troops saw that the battle was lost, turned, and fled the field. Psautier dit de saint Louis (Latin 10525) avec Philippe II (roi de France, 1165-1223) comme Autre Documents sur Philippe II (roi de France, 1165-1223) (60 ressources dans Livres (46) He maintained friendships with Henry the Young King and Geoffrey II until their deaths. After Richard's delayed return home, war between England and France would ensue over possession of English-controlled territories. His primary objective was the fortress of Issoudun, which had just been captured by Richard's mercenary commander, Mercadier. At the start of 1193, John visited Philip in Paris, where he paid homage for Richard's continental lands. On 27 July 1214, the opposing armies suddenly discovered that they were in close proximity to one another, on the banks of a little tributary of the River Lys, near the bridge at Bouvines. "[This quote needs a citation] On 31 July 1191, the French army of 10,000 men (along with 5,000 silver marks to pay the soldiers) remained in Outremer under the command of Duke Hugh III of Burgundy. [33] Philip's army numbered some 7,000, while the allied forces possessed around 9,000 troops. Surnommé Auguste, Philippe II était le fils de Louis VII, ou le Jeune.Il naquit le 21 août 1165, la cinquième année du mariage de son père avec Adélaïde de Champagne, sa troisième femme. Next, collaborating to link physics and music, Sauveur and Loulié demonstrated vibrating strings and the Galilean pendulum, and how the mathematical principles on which these devices depend are related to music. Throughout June, while Philip's campaign ground to a halt in the north, Richard was taking a number of important fortresses to the south. His death, and the news of the fall of Jerusalem to Saladin, diverted attention from the Franco-English war. Philippe de France, duc dOrléans appelé aussi Philippe dOrléans, né le 21 septembre 1640 à Saint-Germain-en-Laye et mort le 9 juin 1701 au château de Saint-Cloud, est un prince de France, fils de Louis XIII et dAnne d'Autriche, et frère de Louis XIV. Philippe de France, né le 29 août 1116 et mort à Paris le 13 octobre 1131, est le fils aîné de Louis VI le Gros et d'Adèle de Savoie. Vérifiez les traductions'Philippe II de France' en Breton. Among the stories Philip invented included Richard involved in treacherous communication with Saladin, alleging he had conspired to cause the fall of Gaza, Jaffa, and Ashkelon, and that he had participated in the murder of Conrad of Montferrat. [2] Philippe was greatly affected by his mother's death. [2]:56 It has also been claimed that Philippe became so infuriated with Louis for not paying his daughter's dowry that he suffered a stroke.[13]. Philippe II dit Philippe Auguste, né le 21 août 1165 à Gonesse, mort à Mantes le 14 juillet 1223, est le septième roi de la dynastie dite des Capétiens directs. [17] Thus, Louis-Auguste de Bourbon, Duke of Maine and Louis-Alexandre de Bourbon, Count of Toulouse were officially inserted into the line of hereditary succession following all of the legitimate, acknowledged princes du sang. To seal the treaty, a marriage between Blanche of Castile, John's niece, and Louis the Lion, Philip's son, was contracted. Philip did not participate directly in these actions, but he allowed his vassals and knights to help carry them out. Philip decided to return to France to settle the issue of succession in Flanders, a decision that displeased Richard, who said, "It is a shame and a disgrace on my lord if he goes away without having finished the business that brought him hither. (Philippe II de FRANCE) Né le 21 août 1165 (samedi) - Gonesse, 95; Décédé le 14 juillet 1223 (vendredi) - Mantes la Jolie, 78,à l'âge de 57 ans; Roi de France de 1180 à 1223 [43], The only known description of Philip describes him as "a handsome, strapping fellow, bald but with a cheerful face of ruddy complexion, and a temperament much inclined towards good-living, wine, and women. [39] Philip met her at Amiens on 14 August 1193 and they were married that same day. During a hiatus between military assignments, Chartres studied natural science. At the death of Cardinal Dubois on 10 August of that year, the young king offered the Duke the position of prime minister, and he remained in that office until his death a few months later. He disembarked with his army at La Rochelle during one of Philip's absences, but the campaign was a disaster. Philippe of France, Duke of Anjou (30 August 1730 – 7 April 1733) was a French prince and the second son of king Louis XV of France and Marie Leszczyńska.He was styled Duke of Anjou from birth. There existed a party of malcontents who wished to transfer the regency from Orléans to his cousin, the young king's uncle, King Philip V of Spain. Upon the death of the prince de Condé in 1709, the rank of Premier Prince du Sang passed from the House of Condé to the House of Orléans. Philippe favoured Jansenism which, despite papal condemnation, was accepted by the French bishops, and he revoked Louis XIV's compliance with the bull Unigenitus. [25] By the time Acre surrendered on 12 July, Philip was severely ill with dysentery, which reduced his zeal. Guillaume Dubois, formerly tutor to the Duke of Orléans, and now his chief minister, caused war to be declared against Spain, with the support of Austria, England and the Netherlands (Quadruple Alliance). The service was conducted by the Cardinal de Bouillon—a member of the House of La Tour d'Auvergne. John immediately threw England's weight behind Otto, and Philip now saw his chance to launch a successful invasion of England. [24] On 30 March 1191, the French set sail for the Holy Land and on 20 April Philip arrived at Acre, which was already under siege by a lesser contingent of crusaders, and he started to construct siege equipment before Richard arrived on 8 June. Philippe I was informed by Louis XIV that a marriage between Philippe II, Duke of Orléans, and a foreign princess would not likely happen due to the constant wars between France and other major powers in Europe. [10][11][12] Philip's decisive victory was crucial in shaping Western European politics in both England and France. Franco-Spanish relations only recovered in 1743 when Louis XV's son Louis de France married Mariana Victoria's sister Infanta Maria Teresa Rafaela of Spain. Philippe II est un Capétiendirect. This agreement did not bring warfare to an end in France, however, since John's mismanagement of Aquitaine led the province to erupt in rebellion later in 1200, a disturbance that Philip secretly encouraged. C'est FAUX. Here, Philip's advance was halted by a defense led by the Earl of Leicester. On 2 June 1686 Chartres was invested with the Order of the Holy Spirit at Versailles; on the same day his future brother-in-law, Louis-Auguste de Bourbon, duc du Maine, also joined the order as did his cousins Louis III, prince de Condé and François Louis, Prince de Conti. In 1676, the Duke of Valois died at the Palais-Royal in Paris, making Philippe the new heir to the House of Orléans; the future heirs of the Duke of Orléans would be known as the Duke of Chartres (duc de Chartres) for the next century. Article détaillé : [Arbre généalogique des Valois]. Philippe VI de France . [1] Philip was given the epithet "Augustus" by the chronicler Rigord for having extended the crown lands of France so remarkably. Cite error: The named reference "Pevitt" was defined multiple times with different content (see the, At the time of Philippe's birth, the Palais-Royal was only occupied as a grace and favour residence of the Duke of Orléans; it was later gifted to him when Philippe married Louis XIV's illegitimate daughter, Patricia M. Ranum, "Étienne Loulié (1654-1702), musicien de Mademoiselle de Guise, pédagogue et théoricien", (part 1). Septième roi de la dynastie capétienne, Philippe II (1165-1223) est dit "Auguste" en référence aux empereurs romains. In May 1200, Philip signed the Treaty of Le Goulet with Richard's successor John Lackland. Meanwhile, he was studying diplomacy and riding, as preparations for a military career. In December 1722, the Regent lost his mother to whom he had always been close; the Dowager Duchess of Orléans died at Saint-Cloud at the age of seventy, with her son at her side, but he did not attend her funeral service because he had been called away on official business. After Andely surrendered, John fled to England. In May 1685 the duc de Chartres, then just ten years old, made his first public appearance at Versailles; the occasion was the arrival of the Doge of Genoa, Francesco Maria Lercari Imperiale, at the French court. [4] His father went on pilgrimage to the Shrine of Thomas Becket to pray for Philip's recovery and was told that his son had indeed recovered. Philip made it his life's work to destroy Angevin power in France. The destruction of the French fleet had once again raised John's hopes, so he began preparing for an invasion of France and a reconquest of his lost provinces. Philip, believing that Courcelles was still holding out, went to its relief. The last two occurred. The diamond was known from then on as Le Régent. Il a quinze ans en 1180 quand son père meurt, il devient Roi de France. Philippe II, Duke of Orléans (Philippe Charles; 2 August 1674 – 2 December 1723), was a member of the royal family of France and served as Regent of the Kingdom from 1715 to 1723. As the second living son of his parents, his birth was not greeted with the enthusiasm the Duke of Valois had received in 1673.[2]:9. His first target was the fortress of Gisors, commanded by Gilbert de Vascoeuil, which surrendered without putting up a struggle. After some successes of the French marshal, the Duke of Berwick, in Spain, and of the imperial troops in Sicily, Philip V made peace with the regent (1720). In 1692, Philippe married his first cousin, Françoise Marie de Bourbon – the youngest legitimised daughter (légitimée de France) of Philippe's uncle Louis XIV and Madame de Montespan. [24] Philippe took the apartments of his cousin the late Dauphin on the first floor of the Palace; the King's apartments were above his. Philip's son by Isabelle de Hainaut, Louis VIII, was his successor. The main source of funding for Philip's army was from the royal demesne. Nonetheless, the marriage produced three children: Marie Louise d'Orléans, future queen of Spain, who left France in 1679 when Philippe was just five; Philippe Charles (1664–1666), Duke of Valois; and Anne Marie d'Orléans, born at Saint-Cloud in 1669, later queen consort of Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia (they became the maternal grandparents of Philippe's future protégé Louis XV).