Each district has its own postal code, with the exception of the 16th district, which has two postal codes representing the north and the south. Try typing in the above box: The name of a town to find its postcode. To know which one to use, please enter below the first line of the address, which will usually contain a house number and a street name. Postal codes were introduced in France in 1964, when La Poste introduced automated sorting. Enter the name of the town to search for: This free service will help you quickly find the correct postcode for a town in France. The department of Paris is located in the region of region of Île-de-France. However, in Paris, Lyon and Marseille, the last two digits indicate the arrondissement. The first neighborhood begins with zip code 75001 and ends with 75020. The postal code of the 16th district is 75016 for the southern part and 75116 for the northern part. There are some places where this is different from the department where the place is located. 29 m, max. Il s'étend sur une surface de 105,40 km². This will display the postal code of the selected location from Sweden on Google map. Lyon ZIP codes are between 69001 and 69009. It may be followed by a number, if the town has more than one post office, or if it is split into arrondissements.[2]. Le tableau ci-dessous donne un accès à chaque département. This is an online tool (Mashup) to search postal code of a place, address or city in Sweden. Click on the links below to reach the dedicate page for each arrondissement: 1st arrondissement (Louvre). The postal code (French: code postal) consists of five digits, the first two digits being the number of the département. Book this ride. Ordinary deliveries would be addressed to: It is acceptable to include a boîte postale ('post office box') number (abbreviated as BP nnnn) as well as the street address in CEDEX addresses. Ile-De-France Post Codes: France. In March 2008 La Poste proposed allotting 977 to Saint Barthélemy and 978 to Saint Martin due to their new status as overseas collectivities. The last two digits of postal code starting with 75 (), show which arrondissement (district) the address is in.For example: 75005- its 5th arr.- Latin Quarter, 75011- is 11th arr. Below you will find the main French postal codes. Haute-Garonne. Home; Contact; About; Français; Español; Find a postal code in France. Learn how and when to remove this template message, French overseas departments and territories, "General Director of Post Office visits Saint Barth", http://www.laposte.fr/sna/article.php3?id_article=763, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Postal_codes_in_France&oldid=993648668, Articles with dead external links from December 2020, Articles needing additional references from January 2009, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 11 December 2020, at 18:59. Retrouvez le code postal de la ville Clichy dans le département Hauts-de-Seine (92), plan de la ville avec les boites aux lettres pour poster votre courrier. In Paris, Lyon and Marseille, the last two digits of the postal code shows the arrondissement.These codes are also used by French overseas departments and territories, except for French Southern and Antarctic Territories and Clipperton Island. For example, Le Fresne-sur-Loire, in Loire-Atlantique, uses 49123, while its postcode should normally starts with 44, because it is associated with the post office of Ingrandes, a neighbouring commune in Maine-et-Loire. (Click here to search for a postal code by town name.) In Paris, the last two digits of the postal code indicate the arrondissement. They were updated to use the current 5 digit system in 1972. Paris Shuttle » Paris shuttle airport » CDG Airport - Zip code 92 Departement. In Paris, Lyon and Marseille, the last two digits of the postal code indicate the municipal arrondissement. Cost of taxi from the airport depends on location of destination to left or right bank of river Seine. Corse-Du-Sud Haute-Corse. Paris has approximately 20 ZIP Codes or postal codes. Département: Paris: Etablissement public de coopération intercommunale (EPCI) Métropole du Grand Paris: Code postal (CP) 75000: Code Insee: 75056: Nom des habitants de Paris … It may happen that a village is associated with a bigger post office in another département, thus its postcode begins with the two digits of another département. The last three digits identify a more precise location.000 being in general reserved for the préfecture. Alphanumeric codes 2A and 2B were used for The U.S. Supreme Court: Who Are the Nine Justices on the Bench Today? [3] However the destination country on inbound mail must be specified as "Monaco", not "France". Note that postcodes in both départements of Corsica commence with the "20" historically assigned to Corsica before it was split into two départements, which are now numbered 2A and 2B. The departments are numbered: their two-digit numbers appear in postal codes, in INSEE codes (including "social security numbers") and on vehicle number plates. Postcodes not ending with a 0 may indicate a special code, known as CEDEX (see below), or newest postcodes. The postal code should be written on the last line of the address, followed by the name of the city or town in capital letters. Parisian postal codes are composed of five digits, the first two being the number of the "departement," which for Paris is 75, and the last three representing the district. For example, 80000 corresponds to Amiens, which is the préfecture of the Somme or département 80, while 69008 corresponds to the 8th arrondissement of Lyon. Each of the districts in Paris uses the same three beginning numbers of the zip code (750) and ends with the number of the arrondissement. We provide comfortable, safe and private vehicles for that purpose. Le département de Paris est divisé en 1 arrondissement, 20 cantons et 1 commune. My zip code; Zip code map; US zip codes; Canada zip codes; UK postcodes; All postcodes; France. The next three digits identify the local postal office in charge of mail delivery. For example, 31620 is the postal code for nine different villages – including Fronton and Labastide Saint-Sernin – in département number 31, i.e. Corse Post Codes: France. This is an online tool (Mashup) to search postal code of a place, address or city in France. The Paris surface is 105.40 km ². Find a postal code for Paris. Note that the postal code may be searched with nearby approximation. The postal code (French: code postal) consists of five digits. NOAA Hurricane Forecast Maps Are Often Misinterpreted — Here's How to Read Them. In Paris, the final two digits indicate the arrondissement number. Parisian postal codes are composed of five digits, the first two being the number of the "departement," which for Paris is 75, and the last three representing the district. La Poste website has a postal code finder for all French addresses making it possible to find a town's postcode or cedex, or a town name from a postcode Other post code finders Paris has several possible postal codes. e.g: 0 0 1 4 4 Le premier chiffre représente le secteur postal, le deuxième chiffre représente la province postal, Le troisième chiffre représente la localité, les deux derniers chiffres représentant la zone de livraison. The latitude and longitude of Paris are 48.861 degrees North and 2.346 degrees East. A regular postcode always ends with a 0, with the notable exception of Paris, Lyon and Marseille – see below – and the Overseas Départements and Territories. Max's answer is correct, in Paris there's 21 zip codes, but in addition to this there exist additional zip codes for companies or institutions who receive exceptional amounts of mail. Paris is divided into 20 districts known as "arrondissements." France uses five-digit numeric postal codes, the first two digits representing the département in which the city is located. In Nice, there are the following zip codes: 06000, 06100, 06200, 06300. Geography and map of Paris: The altitude of the city hall of Paris is approximately 33 meters. CDG Airport - Zip code 92. For example, the postal code / ZIP Code for the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France is 75007. Code postal/ Postal Code Département/ Province Numéro de téléphone/ Telephone Number Numéro de fax/ Fax Number Adresse e-mail/ E-mail Address ANNECY 129 AVENUE DE GENEVE 74000 HAUTE SAVOIE (33)450667824 (33)450667825 annecy@mbe-fr.com GRENOBLE 3 PLACE SAINTE CLAIRE 38000 ISERE (33)476515544 (33)476633537 mbegrenoble@wanadoo.fr LE MANS 16 RUE DU … Search by Map. Prior to 1972, an address in the eighth municipal arrondissement of Paris, would be written as: This number was incorporated into the postal code as: The 16th arrondissement of Paris has two postal codes, 75016 (south) and 75116 (north). Here is for example the postal code of a small village, Lépaud in Creuse: Another example with Pouillé-les-Côteaux in Loire-Atlantique: And the postal code of Mortagne-au-Perche, sous-préfecture of the Département de l'Orne: It is not rare that many adjacent villages share the same postal code, which is primarily associated with a bigger post office, e.g. The first two numbers indicate the département number and the last three the area. Corse. The first Paris arrondissement begins at the center of the city. In the Overseas Departments and Territories, the first three digits identify the département or territory. Postal codes in France are similar to ZIP Codes in the United States. The department of Paris has the number 75 and is divided into 1 districts , 20 townships and 1 municipalities. A regular postcode always ends with a 0, with the notable exception of Paris, Lyon and Marseille. The French postal code format is F- (or FR-) 99999. Interactive map of zip codes in Corse, France. In each département, the préfecture (main city) has a postal code ending with 000, for example Bourges in Cher: The more important the city, the simpler the postal code. Postal codes for region Ile-De-France, France. The next three digits identify the local postal office in charge of mail delivery. : 64150 can correspond to Abidos, Bésingrand, Lagor, Lahourcade, Mourenx, Noguère, Os Marsillon, Pardies, Sauvelade and Vielleségure. Pour retrouver le code postal d'une commune de la région Ile-De-France il est possible de parcourir la liste des départements. Below you will find the localization of Paris on the map of France, and the satellite map of Paris. La population de Paris est de 2 234 105 habitants (population communale), et sa population totale de 2 257 981 habitants (en comptant les résidents secondaires) pour une densité de population communale de 21 196,44 habitants/km². This is why the regular postcodes for these do not end with 0 except for the préfecture or sous-préfecture, for example: There is also a system known as CEDEX, Courrier d'Entreprise à Distribution EXceptionnelle ('business mail with special delivery'), designed for recipients of large volumes of mail. Ile-De-France. Use our interactive map, address lookup, or code list to find the correct zip code for your postal mails destination. Find a postal code elsewhere in France. The first two digits give the département number. Overseas Départements and Territories use 3-digit codes starting with : 971 (Guadeloupe), 972 (Martinique), 973 (French Guiana), 974 (Réunion), 975 (Saint-Pierre and Miquelon), 976 (Mayotte), 984 (French Southern Territories), 986 (Wallis and Futuna), 987 (French Polynesia), 988 (New Caledonia). My zip code; Zip code map; US zip codes; Canada zip codes; UK postcodes; All postcodes; France. The system also extends to French overseas departments and territories, and also includes Monaco. Format: 5 Digits 12345: Unique Codes: 290: Postal Code Maps for Major Cities in Uruguay: Montevideo; Treinta y Tres For example: 10, Downing Street. Note that the postal code may be searched with nearby approximation. They were updated to use the current 5 digit system in 1972. Paris zip codes are contained between 75001 and 75020, and also 75116. How does it work? The département numbers were assigned alphabetically between 1860 and 1870, but later changes (such as renaming and splitting of départements) mean that the list is no longer in strictly alphabetical order. 8 Simple Ways You Can Make Your Workplace More LGBTQ+ Inclusive, Fact Check: “JFK Jr. Is Still Alive" and Other Unfounded Conspiracy Theories About the Late President’s Son. However, in Paris, Lyon and Marseille, the last two digits indicate the arrondissement. Use our interactive map, address lookup, or code list to find the correct zip code for your postal mails destination. What Is the Postal Code for Paris, France. The full address (with postal code) will then be displayed on the map below. Canada Post may in its sole discretion limit the number of searches you make using Find a Postal Code, on a daily or other basis. The area code for Paris is 75056 (also known as code INSEE), and the Paris zip code is 75000. Quickly find a postal code. Use of Find a Postal Code is only permitted for personal or limited internal business use. The Champs Elysées is in the eighth district, so the postal code is 75008. [1] In this case, the last zero is dropped so as to keep the 5-digit format. In metropolitan France the first two digits are the number of the département where the post office in charge of delivery to a town is located. Each district has its own postal code, with the exception of the 16th district, which has two postal codes representing the north and the south. What next? World Postal Code. ZIP codes in Bordeaux ranges between 33,000 and 33,300 plus 33800. The sous-préfectures are generally recognized by using a XXX00 postcode (but a few additional XXX00 postcodes may also be allocated in the most populated préfectures to subdivide them into several postal distribution areas, XX000 being still used for the most central post office of the city). The postcode of a town to find its name. Although an independent country, Monaco is part of the French postal code system as if it were a French département, numbered, with codes consisting of 980 and two digits, with 00 being used for deliveries to all physical addresses in the Principality, and 01 to 99 being used for special types of delivery. Postal Code: 75001 Altitude: min. Postal codes were introduced in France in 1964, when La Poste introduced automated sorting. The digits 00 are used for Military addresses. Select the name of the Place/Address/City (in Sweden) from the suggested list. The digits 20 are used for all of Corsica; the split of the island into two départements was not followed by a change in the postal codes. Export au format JSON. Discover the 20 arrondissements of Paris. Initially, the numbers corresponded to the alphabetical order of the names of the departments, but several changed their names, so the correspondence became less exact. World Postal Code. Transfer CDG Airport - Zip code 92 Departement. Select the name of the Place/Address/City (in France) from the suggested list. These codes help La Poste (the French postal … CEO Compensation and America's Growing Economic Divide. The last three digits identify a more precise location, 000 being in general reserved for the préfecture. A postal code is allocated to each large organisation or to post office box holders, ending in three unique digits, for example: CEDEX should always be written in capitals. Regions. L'Italie utilise numérique à cinq chiffres des codes postaux. Regions. 75000 Paris in general. Monaco is also part of the French postal code … This will display the postal code of the selected location from France on Google map. Code INSEE: insee_com[text] Code INSEE Code Postal: postal_code[text] Code Postal Commune: nom_comm[text] Commune Département: nom_dept[text] Département Région: nom_region[text]… csv 18680 Preview Download. Paris is divided into 20 districts known as "arrondissements.". We are a specialist in transportation of passengers to and from the airports or to any destination in the surrounding area of Paris. France uses five-digit numeric postal codes.They were updated to use the current 5 digits system in 1972. e.g:3 3 3 8 0the first two digits representing the département in which the city is located. The department is the second level of administrative divisions on the map of France. A COVID-19 Prophecy: Did Nostradamus Have a Prediction About This Apocalyptic Year?