Drancy Internment Camp. Drancy was under the control of the French police until 3 July 1943 when Germany took direct control of the Drancy camp. Situé au nord-est de Paris, dans la ville de Drancy (alors dans le département de la Seine, aujourd'hui en Seine-Saint-Denis), ce camp est pendant trois ans le principal lieu d'internement avant déportation depuis la gare du Bourget (1942-1943) puis la gare de Bobigny (1943-1944) vers les camps d'extermination nazis, principalement Auschwitz. These records form part of the records of the Seine Police Prefecture and the Drancy, Pithiviers and Beaune-la-Rolande camps, also known as the “Jewish files.” Nicolas Grenier, Cité de la Muette (poem), in honor of Max Jacob, who died in the Drancy camp, 2011. This perspective, held by Charles de Gaulle among others, underlined in particular the circumstances of the July 1940 vote of the full powers to Marshal Pétain, who installed the "French State" and repudiated the Republic. [Photo] French Jews in Drancy Concentration Camp, Paris, France, 1941 | World War II Database, A Day in the History- 20th July 1943 A transport from the Drancy concentration camp came to Auschwitz. 65,000 Jews were deported from Drancy, of whom 63,000 were murdered including 6,000 children. Van Dam was spared upon arrival and survived for six months painting for the SS but was killed in September 1943. It later became the major transit camp. From there, all the children and staff were deported to Auschwitz. google_ad_slot = "4852765988"; They include messages written on the walls, many graffiti, aluminium drinking mugs and other personal belongings left by the prisoners, some of which are inscribed with the names of the owners. Drancy camps. Cahiers du Camp de Drancy. 8 visitors have checked in at Conservatoire Historique du Camp de Drancy. for the deportations of Jews from France. The French police carried out additional roundups of Jews throughout the war. , This article will be permanently flagged as inappropriate and made unaccessible to everyone. On May, 6th 2002, the tunnel was in turn classified. //-->, Map of Holocaust sites, with the Drancy camp and routes by Paris, View of the accommodation block at Drancy with French gendarme on guard, The railway wagon used to carry internees to. Tel : + 33 (0)1 42 77 44 72 Fax : + 33 (0)1 53 01 17 44 > contact@memorialdelashoah.org 10 a.m. to 6 … Monday January 10th, 1944 : During the night between the 10th to the 11th in the South of France, 228 Jews were arrested and subsequently deported to Drancy in the convoy of 12 January 1944. Timeline of deportations of French Jews to death camps, Buildings and Structures in Seine-Saint-Denis, German military administration of Occupied France during World War II, German occupation of France during World War II, Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation, Sons and Daughters of Jewish Deportees from France, Articles with French-language external links, Commons category without a link on Wikidata, Buildings and structures in Seine-Saint-Denis. SS officer Alois Brunner became camp commandant as part of the major stepping up at all facilities needed for mass extermination. The Drancy internment camp was an assembly and detention camp for confining Jews who were later deported to the extermination camps during the German military administration of Occupied France during World War II.It was located in Drancy, a northeastern suburb of Paris, France.Between June 22, 1942, and July 31, 1944, during its use as an internment camp, 67,400 French, Polish, and German … Drancy: A Concentration Camp in Paris 1941-1944, le Conservatoire Historique du Camp de Drancy.