the number of surviving specimens of a particular issue) Folder (St) Gedenkmünzen, 2 Euro Monaco 2016 "150 Jahre Gründung von Monte- Carlo in PP im Etui Zertifikat, Monaco 2 Euro 2018 Francois Joseph Bosio Polierte Platte Münze im Etui in Farbe, *** San Marino 2 Euro Gedenkmünze Dante Alighieri 2015 PP***, 500 Jahre Souveränität 2012 Lucien Monaco 2 Euro Gedenkmünze Proof, 2 Euro Monaco 2012 PP 500 Jahre Souveränität 2012 Lucien. Pièces euro d'Allemagne pour 2 Euro année 2002 - Achetez une variété de produits à prix abordables sur eBay. Belgium - 1 cent 2016 (Effigy and monogram of King Philippe) EUR 0.30. 2 Euro × × Find. Accueil; Forum; Membres; Contact; S'identifier; S'inscrire! ; Endet am Sonntag, 16:11 MEZ 3T 13Std. Les pièces 2 € euro commémoratives Allemagne. 2 euro commemorative coins: 2004 Coniage. $64.00. Affichage par page. oder Preisvorschlag. Deutsche Mark de 1948 à 2001, depuis 2002 la monnaie est l'Euro 1 Euro = 1,95583 Deutsche Mark au 1er janvier 2002: 5 Marks : Bettina von Arnim (1785-1859) She was a poet and her works belong to the German Romanticism She became famous after publishing her correspondence with J.W. Pièce de 2 euros commémorative Allemagne au millésime 2011.Vidéo réalisée par Monnaie Finances pour le site Slovakia - 2 euros 2012 (10 years of euro banknotes and coins) EUR 3.60. Coins: 2 Euro. 2 euro commemorative coins: 2004 Coniage. Temps restant Il reste 18 h 8 min. 2 euro commemorative Ireland 2016 - Hibernia. EUR 0,80 Versand. Countries; Search × Country × × Value × Year × Coin type × Composition × Currency × Shape. Log In | Sign Up × Log In. 600,00 EUR. SPECIAL OFFER!! List of all 2 euro commemorative coins of all countries of the eurozone. issued in the Vatican City, Restez connecté et allez voir régulièrement les offres sur Rakuten pour pouvoir commander à prix bas au plus vite. Out of an original roll. Individually numbered. Toutes les monnaies sont livrées en qualité UNC. 21,95 € Serie euro Allemagne 2005 . 4,50 € En stock 2 euro Allemagne 2019 Chute du mur de Berlin. 0 Gebote . EUR 3.70. 10ème anniversaire de l'euro. At 3 commemorative coins the Crown is colored red, white and blue. Temps restant Il reste 3 j 11 h. 0 enchères. 1 cent 2 cent 5 cent 10 cent 20 cent 50 cent 1 euro 2 euro 35,00 € Disponible . 2007 - Numiscover, Vatican 2 Euro Coin - VIII World Meeting of Families Philadelphia 2015 - Proof, Portugal 2 Euro Coin - 50 Years Treaty of Rome 2007 - Proof, Netherlands 2 Euro Coin - 10 Years Euro - WWU - EMU 2009 - Coincard, San Marino 2 Euro Coin - International Year of Physics - Galileo Galilei 2005, Germany 2 Euro Coins Set 2009 - 10 Years Euro - WWU - Proof, Italy 2 Euro Coin - 80th Anniversary of the National Fire Corps 2020 - Proof, Vatican 2 Euro Coin - 200th Anniversary of Corps of Gendarmerie of Vatican City 2016 - Proof, San Marino 2 Euro Coin - 500th Anniversary of the Death of Christopher Columbus 2006, Andorra 2 Euro Coin - 20 Years in the Council of Europe 2014 Proof, Netherlands 2 Euro Coin - 10 Years of Euro Cash 2012 Proof in Original Case with certificate, Greece 2 Euro Coin - 100th Anniversary of the Union of Thrace With Greece 2020 Proof, France 2 Euro Coin - 60 Years of Asterix 2019 - Proof, Greece 2 Euro Coin - 25th Centenary of the Battle of Thermopylae 2020 Proof, Estonia 2 Euro Coin - 100 Years since the Birth of Paul Keres 2016 - Coincard, Andorra 2 Euro Coin - FIS Alpine Ski World Cup Final 2019, Vatican 2 Euro Coin - Sede Vacante 2013 - Numiscover, Vatican 2 Euro Coin - European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 - Numiscover, Monaco 2 Euro Coin - 20th Anniversary of UN membership 1993 - 2013 Coincard, Italy 2 Euro Coin - 500th Anniversary of the Death of Leonardo da Vinci 2019 - Proof, Vatican 2 Euro Coin - Holy Year of Mercy 2016 - Proof, Greece 2 Euro Coin - 60th Anniversary of the Death of Nikos Kazantzakis 2017 - Proof in Original Case, Vatican 2 Euro Coin - 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Pope John Paul II 2020 - Numiscover, Netherlands 2 Euro Coin - Erasmus of Rotterdam 2011 Coincard, Luxembourg 2 Euro Coin - 150th Anniversary of the Luxembourg Constitution 2018 - Coincard, Slovenia 2 Euro Coin - World Bees Day 2018 - Proof, Greece 2 Euro Coin - Archaeological Site of Philippi 2017 - Proof in Original Case, San Marino 2 Euro Coin - European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008, Germany 2 Euro Coins Set 2015 - 30th Anniversary of the European Flag - Proof-Like PF, Vatican 2 Euro Coin - 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Pope John Paul II 2020 - Proof, France 2 Euro Coin - 25th Anniversary of the Pink Ribbon - Fight Against Breast Cancer 2017 - Coincard, Vatican 2 Euro Coin - 25th Anniversary of the Restoration of the Sistine Chapel 2019 - Numiscover, San Marino 2 Euro Coin - 500th Anniversary of the Death of Leonardo da Vinci 2019, Vatican 2 Euro Coin - International Year of Astronomy 2009, Greece 2 Euro Coin - 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Dimitri Mitropoulos 2016 - Proof in Original Case, Vatican 2 Euro Coin - 1950th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Saint Peter and Saint Paul 2017 - Proof, Vatican 2 Euro Coin - 50th Anniversary of the Death of Padre Pio 2018 - Numiscover, Luxembourg 2 Euro Coin - Henri and Adolphe 2005 - Coincard, Andorra 2 Euro Coin - 27th Ibero-American Summit in Andorra 2020 - Proof, Vatican 2 Euro Coin - Centenary of the Marian Apparitions of Fatima 2017 - Proof, Netherlands 2 Euro Coin - 200th Anniversary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 2013 Proof, Luxembourg 2 Euro Coin - 175th Anniversary of the Death of the Grand Duke Guillaume I. The most valuable: Euro Coins UNC. Geburtstag von Prince Honoré III, 2 Euro Gedenkmünze/Sondermünze Vatikan 2006 Schweizer Garde, Vatikan 2 Euro Gedenkmünze 2005, Sondermünze Weltjugendtag / Kölner Dom, 2 Euro Monaco 2019 "Honore" Polierte Platte Gedenkmünze. one euro coin 2002s greek (very rare) collectors. Etui in PP, 2 Euro Gedenkmünze/Sondermünze Monaco 2011 "Hochzeit", 2 Euro MONACO Gedenkmünze CARABINIERI 2017, 2 Euro Monaco 2016 150 Jahre Gründung von Monte Carlo in Polierter Platte, 2 Euro Gedenkmünze Monaco 2016 PP - 150. EUR 5.00 to EUR 10.21. 4,50 € Ajouter au panier Détails. 2007, Greece 2 Euro Coin - 30th Anniversary of the EU Flag 2015 - Proof in Original Case, Italy 2 Euro Coin - 200th Anniversary of the Carabinieri 2014 - Proof in Original Case, Vatican 2 Euro Coin - 75th Anniversary of Vatican City State - St. Peter's Basilica 2004, Monaco 2 Euro Coin - Wedding of Prince Albert II and Charlene 2011, Slovenia 2 Euro Coin - 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Franc Rozman 2011 - Proof - in Coincard, Vatican 2 Euro Coin - 80th Anniversary of the Birth of Pope Benedict XVI. Slovakia - 2 euros 2012 (10 years of euro banknotes and coins) EUR 3.60. Loading... Close. Ça n’est … Euro Silver Coins. The 2 Euro coin from Greece, depending on the year has very different prices. Mintage: 2.500 Proof | includes the six 2 Euro Commemorative Coins of 2004 - 2008 Proof | the 2 Euro Commemorative Coins of 2005 and 2006 with the mintmark of the Monnaie de Paris next to the year of manufacture, Mintage: - - - Proof in a wooden case | contains the 2 Euro Coin and the 10 Euro Silver Coin *100th Anniversary of the Death of Milan Rastislav Stefanik 2019* | Proof | Silver: 900/1000 | Weight: 18.00 g | Diameter: 34.00 mm, Mintage: 2.000 | Proof in original case, Mintage: - - - Proof in a wooden case | contains the 2 Euro Coin and the 25 Euro Silver Coin *25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Slovak Republic 2018* | Proof | Silver: 925/1000 | Weight: 33.63 g | Diameter: 40.00 mm. Pièce 2 euros commémorative Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1999 2009 rare. Rare circulating euro coins. Pièce commémorative Andorre - 2 euro 2018 - … 2021 numismatic program of Vatican Dec 14, 2020 . 2 euro Allemagne . D'ailleurs, il a réussi à faire un stage pendant ses études à Berlin et il en garde de très bons souvenirs. Présidence de la Sarre au Bundesrat. 28,95 € En stock Ajouter au panier 2 euro Allemagne 2009 Église Saint Louis couleur 1. Francois Joseph Bosio nur 16.000, 2 Euro Gedenkmünze/Sondermünze Vatikan 2005 Kölner Dom, Gedenkmünze Francois Joseph Bosio 2018 Monaco 2 Euro in Polierte Platte im Etui. EUR 1,55 Versand. Ending Dec 22 at 7:41AM … Est-ce parce qu'il a appris l'allemand en deuxième langue, votre cousin Alex a beaucoup d'affinités avec ce pays. Common specifications; Diameter: 25.75 mm: Thickness: 2.2 mm: Weight: 8.5 gr: Composition: BiAlloy (Nk/Ng), ring Cupronickel (75% copper - 25% nickel clad on nickel core), center Nickel brass (75% copper - 20% zinc - 5% nickel) Edge : S L O V E N I … Watch Queue Queue. ), Monaco 2 Euro 2020 Fürst Honoré III Gedenkmünze Euromünze Proof PP, Monaco 2 Euro 2020 Fürst Honoré III Gedenkmünze Euromünze Etui Proof PP, 2 Euro Gedenkmünze Vatikan im Originalfolder wahlweise von 2004 - 2020 st, 2 x 2 Euro Griechenland 2020 - PP - Gedenkmünze Thrakien + Thermopylen 2020, 2 Euro Gedenkmünze MONACO 2018 PP "250. 2 Euro Münze Griechenland 2002 Fehlprägung Euroländer fehlen Pille offen. Geburtstag von Francois-Joseph Bosio, Monaco 2 Euro 2019 Fürst Honoré 200. The European Central Bank started issuing these 2 Euro coins in 2002. 2€ Euro Münze 2011(A)+2€(F)mit Fehlprägung! The most valuable: Euro Coins UNC. Monaco 2 Euro Coin - 25th Anniversary of the Death of Princess Grace - Grace Kelly 2007 . Just to mention other examples of this same coin, the cost of the one from 2004 is around 74 euros and the one from 2011 is around 50 euros. Coin catalog > Tag: 2 Euro | Search Find Help with ID. Austria. The following 2 euro commemortaive coins were issued in germany since the introduction of the Common European Currency on January 1, 2002. Serie euro Allemagne 2011 . Pas de pièce rare sur aucune de ces années encore. Remise en mains propres uniquement. 2 euro Allemagne 2008 Église Saint Michel couleur 3. There are three series of coins in circulation. Euro Gold Coins. 70ème anniversaire du Bundesrat allemand. Bonnes affaires 2 euros allemagne 2002 ! Belgium. Ajouter à ma liste d'envies . 0 Gebote. oder Preisvorschlag. La seule différence est le dessin commémoratif illustrant leur face nationale. The European Central Bank issued Euro coins in 8 different denominations, including this 2 Euros coin. Remember me. EUR 0.11 postage. Griechische 2 Euro Münze 2002 mit Stier Fehlprägung. Geburtstag Francois-Joseph Bosio". Germany. 2 Euro Coins. La pièce de 2 euros; Qualités des pièces; Faces … Results 1 - 100 of 100 2 euros - Helmut Schmidt The coin marks the 100 years since the birth of Helmut Schmidt. Show only . On the obverse of this coin there is an ancient statue depicting a discus thrower ready to launch with the inscription “ATHENS 2004” on the left and the five olympic circles, on the right the word “2 ΕΥΡΩ”. 2021 ZODIAC medals from Japan Mint Dec 12, 2020 . Kostenloser Versand. Mintage: 5.000 | individually numbered | official issue to EU employees | Designed by Philippe Starck | yellow colored, Mintage: 1.500 | contains the 16 x 2 Euro commemorative coins from 2004 (Enlargement of the European Union) - 2014 (100th anniversary of the birth of Ilmari Tapiovaara), Mintage: 110.000 Brilliant Uncirculated in Coincard, Mintage: 2.000 | + 5.000 in the Coinset 2011 proof, Mintage: 59.820 Brilliant Uncirculated in a case with certificate + 7.000 in the Coinset 2011, Mintage: 12.000 In original case with a certificate, Mintage: 4.000 Brilliant Uncirculated - BU | in the official Coincard, Mintage: 130.000 Brilliant Uncirculated in Coincard, Mintage: 6.000 | Proof in original case, Mintage: 10.000 in original case with a certificate, Mintage: 120.000 Brilliant Uncirculated in Coincard, Mintage: 9.600 | includes the 7 2 Euro Commemorative Coins of 2004 (Enlargement of the European Union) - 2009 (10 years Euro) and a medal, Mintage: 2.500 | + 5.000 in the Coinset 2012 Proof, Mintage: 60.000 in Coincard - individually numbered. Geburtstag des Bildhauers Francois Joseph Bosio", 2 Euro Gedenkmünze Monaco 2020 * FÜRST HONORE * PP - Polierte Platte /ab Lager, *** 2 Euro Münze VATIKAN 2005 SEDE VACANTE aus Euro KMS Vaticano Coin ***, 2 Euro Gedenkmünze Monaco 2020 Proof/PP/BE Honore III in Etui und Zertifikat, 2 Euro Münze Monaco 2020 ° 300. They are part of the Euro coins series. 2 Euro coin PORTUGAL 2002 Rare Collectibles. Overview of the 100 most valuable and rare 2 euro coins, sorted by catalog value. The grade of the coin, the market demand and its rarity (i.e. or Best Offer. Princesse Grace 2€, MONACO 2 EURO GEDENKMÜNZE 2015 - 800 Jahre Schloss Forteresse PP Proof - RAR, Monaco 2 EURO € 2015 PP Polierte Platte Schloss Festung Felsen 800 Jahre, 2 Euro Monaco 2015 800 Jahre Bau des Schlosses auf dem Felsen in PP Etui usw, * Vatikan 30 x Original 2 Euro Gedenk Münze 2018 BU 50.Todestag Padre Padre Pio, * Monaco 2016 2 Euro Sondermünze "150. which have been designed similar to the original, but in numismatics are worthless! Toutes les photos, descriptifs, tirages et les frappes pour chaque pièce. The coin is used in 22 countries (with 20 legally adopting it) with a collective population of about 341 million. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. EUR 22.15. 2020 €5 Latvia dedicated to personnal freedom Dec 13, 2020 . Euro Silver Coins. Free shipping. Lithuania - 20 cents 2015 (Vytis) EUR 0.55. La lettre S correspond à l’institut d’émission de Finlande qui l’a frappée pour le compte de la Grèce, (Suomi en finlandais signifie Finlande, d’où le S). 0 bids. Germany 2 euros 2002 - The German eagle "J" - Hamburg. - VERZICHT AUF DAS PAPSTAMT -RAR!! the number of surviving specimens of a particular issue) are among the key elements you should consider before you invest in your collection. - 2€ coin Greek 2002 letter S - 2 euro 2002 - 2 euro coin Greek - greece 2 euro coin 2002 price - greek 2 euro coin 2002 - 2 euro greece 2002. In this page we will talk about the Rare Euro Cent Coins, but before entering into the specific topic we start from the beginning.The Year 2002 is the year that marks the entry of euro cents into Europe.The 1 euro is divided into 1 hundred cents and the coins are eight in all: 2 euros | 1 euro | 50 cents | 20 cents | 10 cents | 5 cents | 2 cents | 1 cent. 1 200,00 EUR. EUR 4.900,00. one euro coin 2002s greek (very rare) collectors. Mintage: 2.500 in a folder with stamps. 2-Euro-Münze aus Griechenland. Log In Sign Up. Portugal - 2 euros 2017 (150 Years of the Police and Public Security) EUR 3.30. Mintage: 1.500 in a folder with a stamp. 2 Euro nach Jahrgänge : 2002. or Best Offer. or Best Offer. Chancelier fédéral d'Allemagne Helmut Schmidt. Economisez avec notre option de livraison gratuite. 8 pièces de la 1c à 2€ Variantes de produit; Atelier: A. 2 euro commemorative coin 2008 Belgium Finland France Portugal Slovenia. Please ignore the date on the image if different from the description. Coin catalog My collection Swap Users. EUR 2.00. Monaco 2 euro 2020 PP HONORE III auflage 15.000 gedenkmünze SOFORT / AUF LAGER ! 2018 - Coincard, Vatican 2 Euro Coin - 500th Anniversary of the Death of Raffael 2020 - Proof, Slovenia 2 Euro Coin - 10 Years of Euro Cash 2012 Proof - in Coincard, Vatican 2 Euro Coin - 90th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Vatican City State 2019 - Proof, Vatican 2 Euro Coin - European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 - Proof, San Marino 2 Euro Coin - 550th Anniversary of the Death of Filippo Lippi 2019, San Marino 2 Euro Coin - 500th Anniversary of the Death of Raffael 2020, Vatican 2 Euro Coin - 50th Anniversary of the Death of Padre Pio 2018 - Proof. TODESTAG JOH. Monaco 2 Euro Coin - 25th Anniversary of the Death of Princess Grace - Grace Kelly 2007, Monaco 2 Euro Coin - 800th Anniversary of the Construction of the first Fortress on the Rock 1215 - 2015 Proof, Luxembourg 2 Euro Commemorative Coins Set Central Bank Set 2008 including the 2 Euro Editions of 2004 - 2008 Proof, Slovakia 2 Euro Coin - Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2016 - Proof, Slovakia 2 Euro Coin + 10 Euro Silver Coin - 100th Anniversary of the Death of Milan Rastislav Stefanik 2019 - Proof - Set, Slovakia 2 Euro Coin - Universitas Istropolitana 2017 - Proof, Slovakia 2 Euro Coin - 100th Anniversary of the Death of Milan Rastislav Stefanik 2019 - Proof, Slovakia 2 Euro Coin + 25 Euro Silver Coin - 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Slovak Republic 2018 - Proof - Set, Monaco 2 Euro Coin - 150th Anniversary of the Founding of Monte Carlo by Charles III 2016 Proof, Monaco 2 Euro Coin - 500 Years of Independence 1512 - 2012 Proof, Monaco 2 Euro Coin - 200 Years Since the Establishment of the Compagnie Des Carabiniers Du Prince 2017 - Proof, Netherlands 2 Euro Coin - 30th Anniversary of the EU Flag 2015 - Proof - Combiset, Slovakia 2 Euro Coin - 1150th Anniversary of the Advent of St. Cyrillus and Methodius in Great Moravia 2013 - Proof, Slovakia 2 Euro Coin - 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Slovak Republic 2018 - Proof, Netherlands 2 Euro Coin - Double Portrait - King Willem-Alexander and Princess Beatrix 2014 - Proof - Combiset, Luxembourg 2 Euro Commemorative Coins-Set 2016 - 2018 Proof, Portugal 2 Euro Coin - 150 Years of Public Security 2017 - Proof, Monaco 2 Euro Coin - 200th Anniversary of the Accession to the Throne of Prince Honoré V 2019 - Proof, Monaco 2 Euro Coin - 250th Birthday of François Joseph Bosio 2018 - Proof, Monaco 2 Euro Coin - 300th Anniversary of the Birth of Prince Honoré III 2020 - Proof, Slovakia 2 Euro Coin - 17th November - Day of the Fight for Freedom and Democracy - the 20th Anniversary 2009 - Coincard Pavel Karoly, Vatican 2 Euro Coin - XX.